Fitness + ExerciseHealth + Fitness

Get Yourself Off the Sofa and to the Gym Now

Are you interested in getting fit and getting in shape? If so, then it’s important to break through the barriers that are stopping you from achieving that goal. Here are some of the possibilities that might be impacting you.

Are you interested in getting fit and getting in shape? Here are some of the possibilities that to get yourself off the sofa & to start now!

No Energy

It’s possible that you have no energy to head to the gym. Now, this could be simply a lack of motivation or there might be something else going on here. If you have no energy, then it’s possible that there is a health issue at play somewhere. If that’s the case, then you need to think about visiting a doctor. They will likely run some tests and provide you with the best treatment option available.

They might also run a urine toxicology check to ensure that you do get the best meds to help you based on substances that are already present in your body. According to Brad Schaeffer MedComp president, this tech is the best way to ensure that patients get the right treatment.


No Confidence

Or it might be a problem with your mental health. Specifically, you may not have enough confidence to workout in front of people. Lots of people feel that way and it, unfortunately, stops them from reaching their fitness goals.

One of the ways that you can handle this is by working out in private until you build up your levels of confidence. You don’t need a gym to see great results. You can get the benefits that you need by following a workout routine in the comfort of your own home.


No Previous Success

Of course, one of the reasons you might be reluctant to head to the gym would be because you have tried and failed with your exercise routine before. If this is the case, then it’s important not to give up. First, you’re never going to see results from a workout overnight. This is always going to take time and you need to make sure that you are putting the effort in.

If you have failed before, then it could be because you were trying the wrong type of exercise. Think about exploring set routines that are available to follow online.

too busy to go to the gym

No Time

Finally, you might find that you just don’t have the time that you want or need for your exercise routine. If that’s the case, then it could be worth exploring some of the ways that you can fit exercise around your personal schedule. One of the ways that you can do this is by working out when you wake up in the morning.

Or, you might want to try options like office yoga. As the name suggests, this can be completed within the comfort of your office. As such, you don’t have to worry about needing to visit the gym at all.


We hope this helps you understand everything that you need to think about if you are struggling to get off the sofa to start exercising. If you take the right steps here then you can break through the roadblocks that are currently in your path.


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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the Owner of TWL and Co-Owner of a Influencer Facebook Group Influential Mamas.  Along with blogging + freelance writing and selling Zyia Activewear, she is a mom, army wife and full-time teacher. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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