If you really want to change your life, you have to adopt some changes in your personality. You need to understand your inner soul and what is your requirements. The right book can indeed change your life because inspirational books make positive changes in your persona. If your desires demand positive changes within yourself, you have to come out from your comfort zone and need to experience discomfort and pain. For you, change can bring pain but what you will get after these changes are priceless. After getting the right opportunity if you don’t feel great that means you need changes undeniably. To get positive vibes in your life, we recommend you these 7 inspirational books that you must read.
The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama:
“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions” by Dalai Lama. He is a Nobel Prize winner, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, and sought-after speaker. He shares his thoughts with this book “The Art of Happiness” and says that happiness is the purpose of life and we have to work on it. This book act as a cornerstone of the field of positive psychology which describes stories and conversations to address day-to-day insecurity, anxiety, and discouragement.
With the help of Dr. Howard Cutler, he describes various facets of daily life that include loss, relationships, and the pursuit of wealth, to explain how to manage life’ hitches with patience. This book defines 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations that allow readers to tackle their common difficulties.
Awaken The Giant Within:
(How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins)
Rise and get control of your life! Anthony Robbins shares the most constructive tactics and strategies to control your sentiments, emotions, finances, and your life’s problems through this book.
Anthony Robbin, the author of best-selling books Inner Strength and Unlimited Power, discusses a step-by-step program that teaches the important lessons of self-mastery. This program will help you to identify your true purpose, how to control your life, and also provide the right shape to your destiny. As per him, you already have the power to achieve anything in your life which you want to get.
The Four Agreements:
(A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz)
“The Four Agreements” offers inspirational code for life to handle your relationships and teach you how to communicate with others. This book also tells the source of self-limiting beliefs generating unnecessary sufferings and anxiety. Read this book if you really want to change your life and also acquire a happy fulfilled life.
The four agreements that you should know to achieve happiness in your life are:
- Be faultless with your words.
- No need to take anything personally.
- There is no space of assumptions in your life.
- Be ready to do your best.
Screw It, Let’s Do It:
(Lessons in Life by Richard Branson)
When you know other people’s perspectives of what they think about the changes in life, you will feel better and understand life more precisely. Richard Branson has shared his life story in this book and teaches how to handle responsibilities.
“In Screw It, Let’s Do” shares Branson’s thoughts on how he took his business to the next level. This book also describes the important lessons, advice and inspirational proverbs that have helped him to achieve success. If you feel energy and enthusiasm, you will definitely achieve your goals. He tells how to remove self-limiting beliefs from your zest that stop you to take the challenges of change.
Deep Work:
(Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport)
Deep Work helps you to keep focused in this distracted world. Author Cal Newport doesn’t support much use of social media and other forms of distracting communications because due to these communications, we could not find time for our important work. After reading his book, you will know how to save your time to think and work deeply. He shares ideas and his perspectives to get focus in life
Deep work is a life-changing book that helps you to handle complicated information and yield better outcomes in less time. It is important for us that we need to feel better at what we do and gets a sense of true fulfillment. This book presents the narrative of Newport on impact in a connected age. Despite telling distraction is bad, he suggests enjoying the power of its opposite. This book is divided into two parts in which the first part tells the benefits of cultivating a deep work ethic whereas the second part shares a rigorous training regimen using four rules. Four rules (work deeply, embrace boredom, quit social media, and drain the shallows) help to transform your mind and habits to achieve success.
Eat That Frog!
(21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy.)
Stop procrastinating and manage your time to accomplish more things. Successful people focus on their significant tasks and work hard to get done instead of trying everything. This book shares the same message. Tracy uses the metaphor “eat a live frog” to get the satisfaction of knowing you’re done with the vilest thing that you need to do throughout the day. He shares his perspectives to handle the most challenging task without putting a negative impact on your life.
Eat That Frog! Helps you to organize and complete your day to day tasks efficiently and effectively. For effective time management, you have to work on your decision-making, determination, and discipline. In the revised edition of this book, Tracy includes two new chapters. The first lesson discusses the use of technology to divide your important tasks and the second lesson explains how to keep focusing on your tasks on the era of constant distractions.
The Gifts of Imperfection:
(Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown)
Sometimes, we feel like we are not worthy enough or courageous enough to live a happy life due to some unavoidable circumstances. If you are thinking the same, time to uncover the pages of this book. “The Gifts of Imperfection” helps you to find the courage and help you to discover your self-belief and self-worth.
Brown teaches you that you have to focus on what you are instead of what you are supposed to be. Read this book and learn how to handle your imperfection in the best positive way.
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