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9 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Learn a New Language

Encouraging a child to learn can be difficult at the best of times, let alone when it’s something you want them to learn alongside their school studies. Regardless of this, teaching your child a new language at a young age can be incredibly beneficial as they go onto further their careers later in life.

With that in mind, here are 9 ways to encourage your kids to learn a new language:


Learn The Language Alongside Them

There’s no better encouragement to a child than to see their parents doing something too. It could be eating their vegetables, going for a healthy walk or learning a new language. The likelihood is if you’re doing something they’ll want to do it too. If this doesn’t encourage them, try adding in an element of competition too.


Watch YouTube Tutorials Aimed At Children

With the growing popularity of YouTube tutorials, there are now more and more becoming available in terms of teaching your children a new language. These tutorials are easy to follow and have an element of fun that kids will love. For examples, you can visit YouTube here.

Alternatively, there are lots of online courses that also use videos to help your kids learn, for example, this Online Chinese Course here.


Buy Or Create Colorful Flashcards

When it comes to a new language, flashcards are a great way to start learning particular words or phrases. They can be specially designed or create your own. Remember, what they’ve learnt will be so much easier if they can picture the flashcard in front of them.

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Take Them To Visit A Country Where They Speak The Language Fluently

Although this may not be possible for certain languages, taking your child to visit different countries. Visit where they fluently speak the language they’re trying to learn. It is a great way to give them some real-life practice. Even if they only know the basics, it will give them a chance to hear the words and phrases they recognise being used in sentences. Not only that, but it also gives them something to look forward to!


Buy Workbooks And Encourage Them To Fill Them Out

If your child learns better by writing things down, a workbook might be a great way to get them to remember words and phrases in a new language. There are lots of different options available online. Do a little digging you’ll be able to find one that’s well suited to your child.


Creating A Learning Environment Inspired By The Language

If your child doesn’t have a learning environment at home, try creating one that is inspired by the language they are learning. Whether it’s French, Spanish, Italian or absolutely anything else, having prompts and reminders in their learning space is a great way to remind them of keywords and phrases. Use it as a chance to create the space together. Let them choose things that will help them learn.


Teach Using Fun Activities

There are lots of fun activities online that can be used to help teach a child a new language. Whether you make up little memory games, draw pictures or create videos – your child will absolutely love the hands-on learning experience. With that, they’re also likely to retain more information and will be excited to learn even more.


Encourage Them To Teach You

If you want your child to learn a new language but they’re struggling to remember keywords and phrases, try encouraging them to teach you. Kids will want to teach you to show how well they are learning. Repeating what they have learnt back to you is also a great way for them to remember things. It shows they have retained any important information that is needed.


Watch TV Shows or Listen To Music In Your Chosen Language

There are lots of different TV shows and kids musicians that encourage children to learn a new language. Watching these shows and listening to these songs on a regular basis will ensure your child is used to listening to the language their learning. It’s also inspiring them to practice without even realising it.


If you’re looking for tv shows and musicians that use more than one language but are still appropriate for children, you can visit this handy guide here.


Have you ever taught your kids another language? Feel free to share your own tips in the comment section below.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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