Parenting & Motherhood Tips

21 Easy Habits of Very Happy Moms

Some days being a mom is so hard that I just feel like curling up under the covers and hiding, by 8 am. Do you ever feel like that? I created these 21 habits of a happy mom for myself because sometimes being a mom is hard work.

I mean as moms we are always rushing, thinking about everyone and often forgetting to take a moment to take care of ourselves. Who has time for that when there is so much that needs to be done, right?

WRONG! It is very important to take care of yourself when you put yourself first, you can take on the challenges of motherhood and whatever else life could throw at you at any given moment. That’s why I’ve developed personal habits that made me a happy mom, and I wanted to share them with you.

In fact, the topic of self-care has been on the incline for the past year, and it seems that people are finally realizing that moms are getting burnt out, and need to take a moment to take care of themselves so they can keep wiping noses and chauffeuring kids around town.



21 Habits Of A Happy Mom

Moms need to take some time daily to take care of themselves, and a happy mom makes some if not most, of these things as an important part of her day. Don’t feel guilty for the need to take care of yourself Momma, you are important too. I hope you can use some of these ideas, and if you have your own habits of a happy mom to add to the list at the end, leave a comment. 


1. Get Active

I don’t mean you have to go to the gym every day.  I mean that a momma should take a little bit of time and do some stretching, taking a walk or jumping on the treadmill for just 15 minutes a day. This may seem impossible if you have little children, and I’ve been there, making all the excuses of why I simply cannot take time to get active. However, sitting on the couch with a baby all day long can put a momma into a depressed state pretty quickly, and there is nothing better than a stretch or a short walk to lift the mood.

Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels

2.Leave The House

Just like getting active, leaving the house, even to go to the shop for a jug of milk, is a sure way to keep spirits up. I personally find myself getting sad if I am stuck at home day after day and a trip to the store, even with kids in tow, is truly therapeutic. Get out of the house daily, fresh air is important.


3. Keep a tidy home

A happy mom keeps a tidy home. Keeping a tidy home doesn’t have to mean you break your back cleaning all day every day trying to keep up appearances and losing your mind over spilled milk. However, taking the time every day to do a 30 minute clean up is a good way to keep spirits up. Don’t stress out over keeping a perfect home, it’s not worth the trouble, but there are simple things you can do to keep things tidy. I personally get anxiety when my dishes are piling up and the toys are taking over the floor while the laundry mountain is growing…it’s a disaster. Here are my top tips for keeping a home tidy in just 30 minutes daily.


4. Wake up before the kids

Do you ever find yourself getting a little grumpy in the morning if you are woken up by a crying toddler or a snappy threenager before you’re ready to take on the day? Yeah, I’ve been there too. It makes me feel so much better if I am up and ready for whatever my day has to throw at me before my kids get up. This also gives me a chance to make a nice breakfast for the family, which makes for some pretty happy kids too (most of the time).


5. Create Routines

Whether you stay at home or leave the house every day, a routine is a sanity saver. Keeping a routine for yourself, even if it as simple as washing your face and brushing your hair in the morning even if you have nowhere to go, is essential. Setting routines for yourself, as well as your family, keep the chaos down to a minimum and everyone knows what to expect at every point of the day. I make charts for my kids and use sticky notes for myself when I’m trying to get into a new routine!


6. Have Alone Time

What more can I say? Sometimes you have to leave the munchkins at home so Momma can get some real alone time. Hello Starbucks.


7. Have a bedtime

Yeah I get it, you’re an adult, you shouldn’t have to have a bedtime. BUT according to science, your body needs a regular sleeping routine to stay healthy. Read this article for more information, because..science.


8. Practice Patient Parenting

Have you ever noticed that when you use yelling as a way of communication with your children that they don’t listen to you? Positive parenting techniques work so well that children listen better and as a mom, that naturally makes you much less angry. I have an entire article of how we use Positive Parenting in our home.


9. Have A Hobby

As mom’s, sometimes we don’t know what we even like to do for ourselves anymore. With taking care of children all day, every day, the days run together you think of yourself as a mother and wife and nothing else. Remember that you were once a human being without a husband or children and there were things you liked to do to keep busy that made you happy. For me, that means blogging and making paper flowers.


10. Remind Yourself That You’re Doing Great

We don’t all have relatives and close friends to tell us that we are doing well in our parenting journey, but it doesn’t mean that you aren’t doing a great job. Remind yourself that you care about your kids and are always trying to be better and therefore you are doing a great job.


11. Say No

Sometimes being a parent comes with obligatory birthday parties and other events that the kids NEED to attend… But remember that you are the parent and you make the rules. If that event is going to make you go batty, skip it. Your children will be fine if they miss an event here and there.


12. Rest Up

As impossible as it may seem to take a 15-minute rest in the afternoon, something as simple as a cuddle with the toddler or a lay down on the couch can save your sanity. Set the kids up with their TV show, books, or another favorite activity and just lay around for 15 minutes. Put down your phone too.


13. Disconnect

Speaking of putting down your phone when you rest, putting down your phone during the day is important. Getting down on the floor and playing with your kids is a sure way to lift your spirits. I don’t about you, but my kids make me laugh harder than a comedian when they play superheroes and other pretend games. If I’m on my phone, I’ll miss those moments.

Photo by picjumbo.com from Pexels

14. Ask for help

If you need help, ask for it! There is no shame in asking for a hand when you need one. If your housework is piling up and you need your bff to come to fold laundry mountain with you, just ask her to swing by, with a coffee. We don’t have many friends in town and asking for help has been difficult for us, but even if I’m asking for help from my husband, I get the break that I need so I can stay refreshed and happy for my kids.


15. Enjoy Adult Conversation

Do you ever feel like you spend so much time talking to kids that when you finally get out to the world that you don’t really remember how to talk to adults? Yeah, I’ve been there. Having playdates and starting conversations with other moms at the playground can help.


16. Express your Feelings

If you are feeling overwhelmed or unhappy, talk to a friend! It feels so good to get all your feeling out in the open and you can really enjoy your life knowing that you have the negatives off your chest. Who knows, a different perspective might even offer a solution to your problem.


17. One Foot In Front Of The Other

Sometimes a day can drag on and on, and the to-do list gets longer and longer. It happens, but there isn’t much you can do other than take it one step at a time. You aren’t superman, and there is no use trying to be. You’ll just wear yourself out. Get the important stuff taken care of as soon as you can, and the rest can wait.


18. Bend The Rules

I have rules in my home, and sometimes those rules get broken. Something as simple as an extra gummy vitamin before bedtime can make bedtime run a lot smoother, leading to you having a nicer evening to yourself (hopefully).


19. Try New Things

When was the last time you tried something new? It can be as simple as trying a new recipe or going to a new park with the kids. Trying new things is exciting!


20. Take Care Of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is truly important. As moms, we often forget to take our own vitamins, even though we give our children one everyday. We forget to drink enough water even though we push water on our kids everyday. Simple things that we do for others, we forget to do for ourselves! So take care of yourself, you’re important.


21. Eat Chocolate

Eating chocolate make me happy. It gives me a little boost of energy and if I can successfully eat chocolate without my kids noticing, then I feel like a real winner. Ps. chocolate is good for you too.


A Happy Mom Is A Calm Mom

Did you know that if you are a happy mom, you are more likely to remain calm and gentle with your children? Anger seems to have a way of coming out in the most unpredictable situations and you don’t want to be the parent that loses her mind over spilled milk.

I don’t believe that yelling is an effective form of parenting, however, if you do yell, it doesn’t make you a bad mother. There are many different parenting styles out there. The parenting approach we take in our household is called Positive Parenting. This works wonders for us, and I have to admit, my boys are very well behaved (most of the time). If you need some tips on using the positive parenting approach, check it out here.

What did you think about the 21 Habits Of A Happy Mom? Is the list a little overwhelming? Please feel free to leave a comment if you agree, disagree or have anything to add to the list!


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Elizabeth is a mom of 2 boys, living a crazy happy life in Canada and blogging about her daily habits of saving money, keeping a clean home and parenting style. 

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  1. These habits are really important for every mom. Having kids, make us more busy and we just have to disconnect somehow to enjoy ourselves and motherhood much more

    1. That’s the truth – we need make sure we have time for ourselves too to do what we love as well.

  2. YES to all of this! I’d go insane without time to myself before my daughter gets up, having a strict routine to get things done, and having ADULT conversation at least once a day!

  3. I have a tough time ever finding alone time. We are so busy and I feel like I am a mom all the time. It definitely takes a toll, and it is important to work on self care to be a better parent!

    1. Yes i never get alone time! I totally understand! It makes it hard to do self-care

  4. Being active, creating healthy routines, and connecting with others are definitely ones I would recommend as well. Great list.

  5. Great tips! Being active and waking up before the kids is definitely a game changer.

    1. OMG yes! I am lucky my daughter sleeps in so that way I can get ready and then get her ready.

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