Parenting & Motherhood TipsSelf-Care

5 Simple Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Moms are for real superheroes. They run on almost no sleep, take care of their kids, go to work, deal with a million problems and still manage to keep a smile on their face. But what they never seem to remember to do is self-care!

Self-care translates to a happier and stress-free life. That’s why it’s so important to take time for yourself. Especially if you’re a working mom. Think of it as an investment in yourself. When you are well rested and relaxed you tend to be happier and care for your kids more. When you’re drained of energy and never take care of yourself you will not be able to take care of your kids in the best way there is.

While some people thrive on adrenaline, others get drained pretty quickly. The on-the-go life isn’t for everyone and we all need to dedicate time to our physical and mental health. We need to make sure we are the best versions of ourselves and set a healthy example for our kids. And sometimes we might just need to call off work.





Get Moving

Physical activities aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but everyone needs them to stay healthy. To get moving doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym 5 days a week and running for miles and miles. It just means getting out of your routine and going for a walk, maybe for a run, doing some yoga, jumping on a rope, whatever you prefer. This is a great way to keep your health in check and free your mind of the daily tasks and problems.



Make sleep a priority/go to bed early

Sleep is the food of the mind. It is that what energizes and rests us. Most mothers are sleep deprived and some even suffer from insomnia. Without a doubt, when you have kids, especially in the beginning, you will sacrifice your sleep. Your baby will wake up at different hours during the night and you just won’t have the luxury to get a full 8 hours of sleep. But when they slightly grow up, try to set a sleeping schedule, and that way you will be able to compensate on the lost sleep.


Read a book/watch a show

This one is very personal. Some people are bookworms and they need to be reading constantly. That’s how their mind rests and that is a great hobby to have. On the other hand, there are people who can’t keep their minds concentrated to finish a book. These are the people audiobooks, podcasts and shows and movies are made for. If you want to relax and not think about your life for some time just do one of the things listed above and you’ll be set.


Get a massage

Now, this is self-care. This is what really relaxed us and what we would want to have every week. A massage is something that relaxes you and takes you out of the everyday routine to a calm place. Not only it relaxes your muscles but also your mind.


Go on a night out

Sometimes all we need is a night out with our girlfriends to feel energized and ready to take on to anything. Taking a break from the everyday chores and dedicating a day to the fun is a great way to care for yourself. Do this as often as your responsibilities will allow you, but try to schedule it days or maybe weeks in advance if your friends are moms as well.



Writing is a personal one but I think applies to most people. Putting whatever you are thinking down on paper is a great way to care for your mental health. Sometimes work and life gets hard to balance and you just need to rant. Keep a journal and try to write on it every night. It doesn’t have to be something big. 1 to 2 sentences is good enough, but don’t hesitate to write more if you enjoy it.



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Ben Kolenovic

Benjamin Kolenović, SAHMjobs. Benjamin Kolenović is a writer for SAHMjobs.. SAHMjobs. is a job portal designed to bring together stay at home moms and recruiters. The platform also brings helpful articles in the Blog section regarding mothers who want to return to the workforce.

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