Every day in February, we are celebrating the 28 Days of Mom Love with bloggers across the globe. Make sure to come back and check out our posts every day this month! Click here if you missed one!
When we first become a mother no one can quiet explain or prep us for the changes that are to take place. Not just the physical…but beyond. The mental and the spiritual. Perhaps, the reason being is that it is quite difficult to summarize in mere words something so great (although we try). The driving force of this inexplicable change is Mom Love: The love of a mother to her child and the child to his/her mother. To acknowledge #MomLove, Mom’s Cafe Blog and myself, XoBri LeeXo, are honored to have been invited by Jennifer O’Shea to share with you all an open letter written to my little one.
To my Little Blessing,
From the moment I knew you existed, to the moment I first saw your little face,
every sacrifice, every tear, every sleepless night has been beyond worth it…
You’ve pushed me to take risks, motivated me to go further, although your feet could not yet walk, and your eyes could not yet see. You’ve brought out the best I did not know existed within myself and your tiny hands molded my betterment…
Stretching my arms to embrace you, serves as a reminder to strive for greater than what I perceived my arms able to reach.
You’ve shown me the beauty in life. The beauty in love itself.
You are my greatest challenge and my ultimate support.
This letter is to thank you for the smiles you’ve given me…for the joy you’ve brought my heart to feel. This is for the future moments. Moments of laughter, moments of misunderstandings and of growth. Moments of bliss and heartfelt transparency. For the bond we share that will continue to strengthen…
This letter is to thank you for your pureness of heart. For your optimism in everything you see. For your kindness and constant reminder of what humanity is, as I see it through your eyes.
To comprehend just a glimpse of unconditional love, God gave me you and you I.
I will love you…To the ends of the earth, forever and always.
Thank you for loving me.
Kisses and hugs,
Mother | Blogger | Entrepreneur
Pen named, XoBri LeeXo, is a world-traveled, young writer who is making strides with her compositions. She is the creator and founder of award-nominated Mom’s Cafe Blog. Bri, is committed in building a community of empowered women and mothers, all while sharing her own life experiences and knowledge. Some of her most popular works include ‘Traveling WithOUT your Babies:Working Mother on the Go’ and “Do you Have McDonald’s Money? Explaining Finances to Your Children.’
#MomsCafeBlog, was created as a meeting ground for mom’s no matter our #Momstory, to overcome disasters, share triumphs & tips for mom success…
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