Home ImprovementSpring Cleaning Tips

10 Clever Spring Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

As an active mama, your days are always packed full of to-do lists. In the midst of chauffeuring a child to a doctor’s appointment, curating this week’s dinner menu, and enduring long grocery lines to fill the fridge your agenda is jam-packed. And on top of that, you have to worry about scooping up the latest laundry mess and sanitizing every surface in your house! Don’t fret, here are spring cleaning tips that you can use all year.

baby on a table delighted with a lemon

We totally get it. We know those busy mamas don’t have time to worry about spring cleaning. That’s why we’ve put together this list, so you can use a few (or all!) of these tips to avoid any anxiety associated with spring cleaning. Of course, if you feel you need a little extra help you can always look for San Antonio maid services, or a similar service in your area, and have the experts spring-clean your home until it’s sparkling. This way, you can enjoy spending some quality time with your family!

Spring is coming and it's that time again for a deep clean! Being a busy mom, we need spring cleaning tips to stick with! Read on for more:

Tip #1: Hatch a Plan

Understandably, you don’t want to dedicate your entire day to dusting and vacuuming, but making a plan for your personal cleaning is just like making a plan for anything else. Everything seems daunting or impossible before you begin, but preparing your day by not biting off more than you can chew can do wonders for accomplishing your cleaning list and nixing the nagging of your to-do list. 

Use a notebook or your phone to create a list of household chores you’ve been meaning to get around to. Some examples of what you might note spring cleaning could be: dusting the blinds, buffing out scrapes on the doors, attending to a clogged drain, power-washing the patio furniture (this one is extra satisfying), etc. Keep in mind that you don’t have to get to the bottom of your list before noon. Give yourself a realistic timeline and allow for cheat days by the pool or messy movie nights with the fam. We know you are SuperMom, but you’re human, too! 


yellow latex glove

Tip #2: Take One Task at a Time

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was your spotless home! Don’t pressure yourself to complete every tidying task in 24-hours. The key to feeling and seeing a difference in your home is to not stop in the middle of a task. Start with the piled-up dishes, load your dishwasher, furiously scrub last night’s pots and pans, and don’t forget to turn on some hip-swingin’ tunes! Make sure inside is clean before spring cleaning outside – garden spring cleaning is a big job that will probably need tackling separately!

When you focus on one area of your home at a time, cleaning becomes more really easy to do. Batch tasks that are similar to each other and even better — do a “quick clean.” This seemingly silly tactic can actually greatly improve your clean-square-inch-per-hour score. Get everything put away (or at least in a temporary home), and throw away anything that has been piling up or put on the back burner. 

photo of a man cleaning the table

Tip #3: The More Hands the Merrier

For every chore you aren’t too particular about, enlist the help of your significant other and/or children. Give your kids the task of rearranging their rooms, sorting their laundry, wiping surfaces all around the house, and sweeping the floors. Ask your honey to fluff the pillows, take the rugs outside, squeegee the windows, fix the lopsided lampshade, steam the curtains, and tend to the rather overpopulated garage. 

Working together around the house is a great form of bonding and also allows you to let go of some of the burdens. After all, it’s their house, too, and they should be helping to take care of it to make it as happy a home as possible!


Tip #4: Do a Quick Declutter

Going back to the “quick clean” strategy — revisit those piles you’ve been moving from room-to-room and evaluate what is worth keeping and what items are worth letting go. From the bathroom and the kitchen to the bedroom and the office, use a few trusted tips on how to declutter and be mindful of only keeping the things that you really need — and tossing everything else. If it’s taking up space in your home, it’s definitely taking up space in your mind! Grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and take some time to go through these long-awaited piles. If you spend more than 30 seconds deciding on an item, it may be a sign that it’s OK to give away. 

woman with folded blankets

Tip #5: Decide What to Donate

Create a system to make it easy when choosing which items are best for the donation pile. While at first, it may seem impossible to purge anything from your piles, honing a three-step strategy for “toss,” “keep,” and “donate,” bins can actually be quite enjoyable. Try not to get caught up in sentimentalism. Obviously, keep some of those baby clothes that your mom hand-embroidered and, sure, you can hold onto that soccer trophy from third grade, but once your “keep” bin surpasses the others, it’s time to pull on the reins. If your kids haven’t played with a toy in over a year, consider donating to your local consignment shop or family shelter. Getting your child involved with this process will also help instill their sense of empathy and charity. 

Tip #6: Dare to Deep Clean

This step is a little more advanced, and depending on how busy you are, we won’t judge if you skip it. However, taking the time now to thoroughly scrub and sanitize every nook and cranny in your home will pay off, because the build-up won’t be as bad come the fall and winter seasons. Take everything off their shelves, wash all of your bedding, wipe down every appliance, wax your hardwood floors, shampoo your couch, and more! Not only is deep cleaning oh-so-satisfying, it greatly improves the health and hygiene of your family. So long, dust bunnies. Sayonara, stress, and allergy symptoms!

Another deep cleaning task includes giving your car some long-overdue attention. Take it to the car wash, or suds up in your own driveway, vacuum, detail, and attend to those red-lit icons on your dash. Spring and summer are the perfect times to accomplish any avoided car maintenance, because a safe, clean vehicle runs better, meaning longevity for your family’s safety and transportation needs. 

clean towels and baskets

Tip #7: Go Overboard With Organization

The notion that there should be, “a place for everything and everything in its place,” is that everything you own deserves to have a place to be stored and that it should tidily be returned there when not in use. Now, this frequently uttered phrase may be easily followed advice for a single person living in a studio apartment, but this rule isn’t always easy to follow in a packed household. However, the sentiment is especially helpful when conquering your spring cleaning. Use baskets, containers, file cabinets, and more to label and store everything in your home. When you give everything a home, even miscellaneous items, you can find things easier and faster, and avoid getting too much of one thing, saving you precious time and resources later. 

Tip #8: Clear the Air

Open the windows, light an incense stick, switch on your essential oil diffuser, and breathe in fresh life to your home. Pull back the curtains, raise the blinds, crack the doors, and let the cool spring air waft through your rooms while you clean. You’ll love the instant vibrance and vitality it brings to your living areas and it lets you enjoy the outdoors even if you are committed to a day of cleaning inside. 

person watering a potted plant

Tip #9: Polish up With Plants

Nothing says, “hello spring!” like lush plants and flowers. Once you’ve tidied your space and freshened the air, introduce a few botanical beauties to your bookshelves, counters, and front porch. This timeless trick instantly enlivens your space and infuses earthly charm into your everyday. Don’t worry, tons of low-maintenance options don’t require you to prune and water every day (or even every week), so these aesthetically pleasing additions won’t add more to your family’s daily to-do list. 

Additionally, you can spruce up your home’s exterior with a time-conscious, budget-friendly garden plan. Growing plants and/or vegetables right outside of your home is not only convenient but gorgeously inspiring. Kids will love learning about gardens, planting seeds, tending to the crop, and more!

Tip #10: Enjoy the Peace of Mind of a Spring Cleaning Service

There’s no shame in the cleaning game. Who are we kidding? When the weather warms up and the sun comes out to play, enjoying the outside with your family as much as possible is obviously the right move. If you can afford it, go ahead and hire a person to clean up for you. As long as you’re tipping, you can certainly go on fibbing about how you got your home in tip-top shape!

At the end of your Cinderella day, it’s important to remember that cleaning doesn’t really have to be a chore. It can be a chance to refresh your living space, awaken a new spirit and vigor for life, and reconnect with your loved ones. Turn up the jams, have a dance party, offer plenty of words of encouragement, and you won’t believe how fun and fast it will be to clean up your home this spring!


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  1. Jotting all these down because I so need to start decluttering! I love your one task at a time though. I need to remind myself of that.

  2. Great advice, especially I like the idea of taking on one task at a time, which I always struggle with. It’s all or nothing for me haha

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