Parenting & Motherhood Tips

6 Common Illnesses For Baby The First 24 Months

Pardon the Jack Bauer reference, but we can all feel like we’re protecting our child like he protects the planet! You may be the most caring and attentive parent in the world and doublethink every little aspect of your child’s health. Maybe you use all the organic products under the sun, but common illnesses for baby happen on a regular basis. This can be quite demoralizing because we can endlessly wonder what we’ve done wrong.

But the fact of the matter is that babies get ill a lot. Especially during the first two years of their life. The idea of going back and forth to the doctor can cause a lot of anxiety in us. If we have a better idea of common illnesses for baby, especially during that crucial 24-month period after birth, we can better prepare. We can also recognize the symptoms before they develop into something worse. Here are the most common.




If you’re expecting a baby, no matter how hell bent you are on breastfeeding them, the likelihood of your children getting colds on a regular basis is very high. The usual symptoms we are all generally aware of, but in babies, coughing, wheezing, and fast breathing are common symptoms. In addition to this, they may be off their food and not sleep as well as normal. Steam will always help to clear out the nasal passages, as will cold medicines, but be sure that you are checking with a doctor first.

Hand, Foot, And Mouth

Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is a very infectious disease that is passed from child to child via sneezes, coughs, and touch. As far as the symptoms are concerned, sores are a primary sign that your child may have Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. This is one of the most common illnesses for baby. You will see that your child has red blisters on their hands and the soles of their feet, as well as sores in their mouth and throat. Not to be confused with other types of rashes, such as cradle cap, which is another thing entirely.

This article entitled Is Cradle Cap Painful Or Contagious? can sort out any concerns. But if you notice sores around the mouth as well as on the hands and feet, these will last approximately 7 to 10 days. The child may also feel achy, which you can minimize with ibuprofen. It’s important to keep their fluid intake up, especially if the sores in their throat are very uncomfortable. They may not want to drink at all, in which case you need to keep an eye out for dehydration.


Fifth Disease

Fifth Disease is also known as “slapped cheek syndrome”. The symptoms of this is a bright red rash on their cheeks, like they’ve been slapped. However, they may have a runny nose, a rash on their torso, and possibly a mild fever. Be careful if you are pregnant. The infection your toddler carries could impact on your pregnancy. In worst case scenarios, could cause harm to an unborn baby or even miscarriage in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Unfortunately, with “slapped cheek syndrome”, you’ll have to wait it out. Once the rash has gone, your child isn’t contagious any longer.



Respiratory Syncytial Virus can be very serious and one of the common illnesses for baby . It can cause hospitalization for children under the age of 1. It begins with a common cold, a cough, and possibly a runny nose. So it could be difficult to spot, especially if your child is teething and can go on for several weeks. But, it can get to the point where your child develops wheezing, and their stomach is working hard at helping them to breathe. You’ll see their diaphragm going up and down. If RSV spreads to the lungs, this could end up causing viral pneumonia. Contact your doctor if you notice anymore symptoms. When left untreated, it can develop very quickly into bronchiolitis, which is an infection of the airways.



Common illnesses for baby are hard, especially Gastroenteritis, which is commonly known as a stomach bug. Symptoms are abdominal pain, as well as vomiting and diarrhea. While most stomach viruses can clear up in a few days, it can be very unbearable for the child to go through. The temptation as a parent is to ensure that they have enough fluid. Be careful you aren’t giving them too much at once. Much like when we are dehydrated, we need to sip water little and often. You could also give your child an electrolyte solution to ensure that they’re not losing as much salt through their diarrhea, and once they feel like eating, implement the BRAT diet. Unfortunately, this can spread to the parents as well. For all of you, taking it easy for a couple of days until the bug subsides is the best course of action.



Far more common at the beginning of your child’s life, especially when your baby starts eating solid foods, it can be incredibly worrying when our child has difficulty passing stools. Your child may refuse to go to the toilet because the stool is painful, and the symptoms to keep an eye out on would depend on their age. For newborns, you need to keep an eye out on stools that are infrequent, generally less than once a day, and firm in texture. Keeping a mental note of your baby’s bowel movements will help. It could also be a dietary reason, especially if you’re giving your baby formula. Contact the doctor if your baby appears to be in pain and haven’t passed a stool for more than 4 days. The treatment usually consists of a mild laxative.


Preparation is always the best course of action. When you’re expecting a child or you’ve got a young one new to this world, understanding the common sicknesses for baby help everyone. Children have illnesses and we can feel helpless and panicked every time. So this is why you should get a basic understanding of illnesses your child can get, and how best to go about treating it.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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