Parenting & Motherhood TipsPregnancy

How to Naturally Improve Your Donor Egg Success

Discover how fertility-friendly foods, stress management, and Eastern medicine may help improve your donor egg cycle success.

As with most infertility treatments, donor egg cycles aren’t absolutely guaranteed to be successful, regardless of the eggs’ excellent health or the top-notch expertise of the scientists and doctors involved. Given this, when an individual or couple is putting so much mental, physical, and financial effort into having a baby, they’re willing to go to great lengths to make the process a success. To do this, many people look for natural ways of increasing their odds. From relaxation techniques to fertility-friendly diets, there are several steps individuals can take to better their chances of getting pregnant.

Discover how fertility-friendly foods, stress management, and Eastern medicine may help improve your donor egg cycle success.

Will Certain Foods Increase Your Chances of a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Unfortunately, there’s no magic potion that will guarantee a successful frozen donor egg cycle. While it would be wonderful to say pickles and ice cream are a sure-fire path to conception, it just isn’t so. Despite this, studies have revealed that certain foods can benefit individuals hoping to conceive, such as the following options.


Choline-Rich Foods

Studies have shown the nutrient choline is highly-beneficial to hopeful parents and developing babies. Additionally, it’s been said to help boost fertility while trying to conceive. Some of the most popular choline-rich foods include:

  • Eggs
  • Cauliflower
  • Shrimp
  • Pork products

Healthy Fats

While a burger might sound delicious, it’s not what scientists mean when they say healthy fats are good for people struggling with infertility. However, foods like avocados and nuts are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help support an individual’s reproductive system throughout fertility treatments and pregnancy.


Spinach and Other Green, Leafy Vegetables

For people who aren’t able to take synthetic forms of folic acid, vegetables like kale and spinach are naturally rich in folate, the natural form of Vitamin B9. Other folate-rich options include brussel sprouts and asparagus.


Can Managing Stress Improve Success During a Donor Egg Cycle?

It’s been frequently argued whether or not stress can affect an individual’s ability to get pregnant. Recently, scientists found evidence that it can.

When a person is stressed, their bodies produce increased volumes of an enzyme known as alpha-amylase. In people with higher numbers of this enzyme, it’s been proven that they tend to have a harder time getting pregnant.

Based on saliva samples collected from 274 individuals during six of their menstrual cycles, it was shown that the people with higher alpha-amylase levels were 12% less likely to conceive.

To better manage your stress levels throughout a donor egg treatment cycle, it can be helpful to try different relaxation techniques, such as:

Are Eastern Medical Practices Helpful During a Donor Egg Cycle?

While many patients and practitioners look to Western medical treatments for their infertility solutions, benefits can also be found within Eastern medicine.

For example, acupuncture is generally regarded as a successful alternative option for enhancing an individual’s fertility success.

When performed throughout a donor egg cycle and immediately following embryo transfers, acupuncture has been shown to help with issues such as balancing out hormone levels and assisting with ovarian cysts.

If nothing else, acupuncture is a beneficial stress management technique that’s touted amongst many healthcare professionals.


Naturally Improving Your Chances for Donor Egg Success

The donor egg process isn’t an easy one to bear. While it often yields wonderful results, it’s a treatment option that can be hard for individuals and couples to accept and choose.

However, once that decision has been made, the hopeful parent(s) wish for nothing more than fertility success.

Natural fertility solutions shouldn’t negate the advice of healthcare professionals, and it’s always wise to discuss various options with your doctor. With that in mind, it’s uplifting to feel like there are useful steps you can take to try and improve the success rates of your donor egg treatment cycle.

For 1-in-8 couples, infertility is a heart-wrenching reality they face daily.

What harm can come from taking simple, healthy steps to better your chances of beating this disease and achieving the goal you’ve spent so much time dreaming about — becoming a family.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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  1. I know this is so helpful for those trying to donate their eggs, thanks for posting!

  2. These are great! I hope mom’s can really get some good tips from you 🙂

  3. I love that you are sharing these awesome tips for TTC mamas! It’s going to help so many women out there!

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