With the arrival of the new year, many of us feel a renewed sense of motivation and a strengthened commitment to our personal aspirations. However, it can be easy to get swept up in the idea of a fresh start to the point of over-committing yourself, setting unrealistic goals, and ultimately becoming disappointed when you’re unable to achieve them. Rather than setting broad, sometimes vague resolutions, it can be helpful to reframe your thinking. Commit yourself instead to a few personal projects for the year, each with concrete objectives, organization projects, specific to-dos to help you reach your desired end results. To get you inspired, here are some ideas for personal projects that working moms can take on to start 2019 off right.
Commit to Real Self-Care
Self-care has become an incredibly trendy topic over the last few years, but it’s much more than just a face mask and a bubble bath. It’s checking in with yourself internally and making sure that you’re feeling emotionally alright. If you find that you could be doing better, consider scheduling an appointment with a mental health professional. Whether it be in-person, over video chat, or even through an app, finding ways to speak with a therapist is easier and more affordable than ever. Declare 2019 the year of making you a priority, and do what you can to help yourself.
If your emotions are doing fine, focus on elevating your physical wellbeing instead! Track your water intake, and try to gradually add a few healthier food choices into your diet. Take up meditation, yoga, or some other gentle exercise that benefits your mind as well as your body. Don’t feel like you have to go to extremes in pursuing optimal physical and mental health. No one is perfect, and trying to achieve perfection only leads to disappointment and discouragement. Find options you can realistically commit to, and apply yourself to them with however much time you can spare.
Take Full Control of Your Financial Life
Making sure your financial life is healthy is arguably just as important a form of self-care as looking after the health of your mind and body. Take some time at the beginning of the year to examine your finances and see where improvements could be made. Build up your savings by treating deposits like a mandatory weekly, biweekly, or monthly payment. Evaluate where there might be financial waste, and cut out excess expenses wherever possible. Make it a goal to knock out that pesky credit card debt, or look into refinancing your student loan payments to lower the month-to-month cost. With your money properly allocated, you’ll be able to focus your attention more on the things that matter most.
Finally Do That Home Improvement You’ve Wanted
Get your HGTV on! Tap into your inner creative and find a way to make a project you’ve always dreamed of doing around the house a reality this year. There are countless Pinterest boards, YouTube videos, DIY blogs, and interior decor sites to turn to for inspiration as well as tips on how to complete your project affordably. If you’re not especially handy or crafty yourself, enlist some of your more experienced friends and family members to help you out. Involve the kids in the process if you can, too! The more personal touches you add to the project, the more it’ll make your home feel like it’s truly yours, and the fonder the memories of the experience will be.
Pick Up a New Hobby With Your Kids
Is there an activity your children have expressed a lot of interest in? (For example, do they want to learn how to play an instrument? Kick around a soccer ball? Take an art class?) Or is there something from your own childhood that you loved to do and would like to show them? (Were you a big Euchre fan back in the day? Did you volunteer with an organization? Are there times when you love playing hopscotch or Four Square in the driveway?)
Now is the time! Sit down with the kids, come up with a few ideas for things you could try out together, and do a little research into how to put those ideas into action. You might find that you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of fun by not taking up this new hobby sooner, plus you’ll be getting to spend some quality bonding time with your kids. Going camping when the weather gets warmer is a great bonding experience.
Set A Family-Wide Task to Tackle Together
Another great way to bring your family closer in 2019 is to find something of common interest among all of you and begin making a team effort toward attaining that common interest. Are any of you committing to getting back into shape this year? Sign everyone up for a 5k and a devise a family training plan. Maybe make some team t-shirts or costumes to add in a little extra fun! Want a backyard that you can all enjoy together? Map out what would get each of you to spend more time outside, and join forces to bring those things into your life. When you set an objective for the entire family, it teaches the kids the importance of hard work. Not only that, but it reinforces the feeling of unity between all members of the family.
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BRILLIANT tips! Perfect motivation for working mums 🙂
Yes! These are totally accomplishable!