28 Days of Mom Love

The Best Gift For My Baby

Every day in February, we are celebrating the 28 Days of Mom Love with bloggers across the globe. Make sure to come back and check out our posts every day this month! Click here if you missed one! 

~Written by Jen Kohorst at Minnesota Momma (www.mnmomma.com)


Mom Love. Can you believe I sat stumped on this topic? This should be easy right? I even asked my husband what I should write about. I love my baby with all my heart, how can I not have a million things to say?

Maybe because it’s that simple.


I love my baby. So much.


That love is the reason leaving him when I go to work in the morning is so hard. It’s the reason my heart swells with joy when daycare sends a picture my way. It’s why seeing his eyes light up when he sees me at the end of the day or when I tuck him in feels so special.


Mom love is saying “you did it! I’m so proud of you!” over and over again the first time your little one takes a bottle. Mom love is cheering that same cheer when your little one goes to kindergarten for the first time or when they show you their first college acceptance letter. Mom love celebrates all the tiny moments along with the big ones, because we simply can’t help it. Our little ones are the sweetest people we are so proud to call ours.


The funny thing about mom love though, is that sometimes, because we love so much, our great love can make for challenging moments.


Whether you’re a new mom or a 70 years of experience mom, there are tough times. There are the times when all you want is your little babe to sleep – just for an hour, just to get a little sleep of your own. There are times when you cry because you cannot seem to stop your baby’s crying. There are even times when you just need to stop time, just for a minute, because they’re growing up just a little too fast.


These are times when it can be so hard to be a mom. But giving that special mommy love? That’s what gets us through the challenging times. It’s that deep love and caring for your little one that wishes sweet sleep on them, peace over them, and constant love when you’re not with them.


If there’s one thing I always want my little one to know, it’s that love.


~Written by Jen Kohorst at Minnesota Momma (www.mnmomma.com)

About the Author:

I’m Jen and I’m a new Minnesota momma! I have a wonderful husband and a sweet little boy, “O”, who is 10 months old. I also work full time as a Registered Nurse. I’m taking each day on as a new adventure, while balancing life as a working mom and wife!

I have a passion for breastfeeding, baby led weaning, fitness, good deals, and almost anything that keeps my family happy and healthy. One of my goals is to be frugal while still sharing with you what products actually work for our little one and for ourselves. Be sure to check out my blog for real momma moments and more momma love!



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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