Parenting & Motherhood Tips

5 Ways to Stay Motivated When Working Out at Home

It might be getting to the time where you feel you’re not sticking to your New Year’s resolutions. You may have started the year with certain fitness goals, but already work and family constraints are getting in the way. The winter weather doesn’t help much either and the best option for many people is trying to working out at home. If you’ve set up your home gym with all the best intentions, but haven’t been using it as much as you planned, here are five motivation tips for working out at home.

If you set up your home gym with all the best intentions, but haven’t used it as much, here's 5 motivation tips for working out at home.

Plan workouts into your daily routine

If you really want to stick to your fitness commitment, you need to plan workouts into your daily routine. Add them to your weekly schedule and write down which type of exercise you’re going to do. It’s easier to commit if you’ve planned your workouts in advance, rather than just assuming you’ll make time for them.


Find fantastic resources online

Perhaps you’re getting a little bored of your current fitness regime and would like to try something new. Don’t worry as there are plenty of fantastic resources online. Check out functional fitness for plenty of advice, videos, books, and articles to inspire you. It might just be time to shake things up a bit.

workouts at home 

Change into your workout clothes

A popular theory is that gym clothing helps motivate you. It makes sense if you think about it. As well as planning your workout routine, you need to wear the right clothes not only for comfort but also to encourage you to take your exercise more seriously. Don’t just workout in your lounge gear or pajamas. Invest in some new workout clothes and sneakers.


Motivational music

If you’re the kind of person that likes to work out to music, then crank up the volume. Prepare yourself a motivational workout mix to get you moving. Online workouts often have their own soundtrack, but if you’re not a fan there’s no reason why you can’t put the tracks you prefer on instead. Music helps you keep up the pace and makes the time go faster. You’ll enjoy your home workout much more.

fitness workouts at home

Get a workout buddy

There are benefits of a workout buddy. You can share goals and resources, even if you’re working out separately in your respective homes. Make a fitness plan with a friend with similar goals and share your progress. Hopefully, a bit of healthy competition will keep you motivated. You could even try out online classes that are more interactive or work with a personal trainer if you find it encouraging to involve other people.


You can get a fantastic workout done at home, without expensive gym fees or braving the cold outside. If you set up a nice space for yourself and invest in the right clothes and equipment, you can get make working out at home part of your routine. Always remember to reward yourself for achieving your goals, whether they’re big or small, and maintain a positive attitude.



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TWL Working Mom

Jennifer is the owner of TWL Working Moms. She is a full time teacher, a mom & step mom, and NBCT Facilitator. Jennifer lives in Washington State and is a born + raised New Yorker. In her spare time, she loves traveling, yoga, the beach, writing, listening to books and drinking coffee.

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